For The Best Possible Visitation
Experience, Check Your Device For Compatibility.
Our system connects www.iWebvisit.com in your browser!

Mobile Devices
All Apple® iPhones® & iPads® and Android® smartphones and tablets are compatible
- Apple iOS 13 or higher with the Safari browser.You are required to use Safari if using an iOS mobile phone or tablet.
- Android® 5.0 or higher with Google Chrome.
Desktop Devices
Windows® Based PCs & MAC ® OSX laptops and desktop computers are compatible.
- Windows® 8 or 10, Mac® OSX, or Linux®
- A residential Wi-Fi connection is preferred.
- Google Chrome is recommended for the browser.
The success of your visit is dependent on the strength and stability of your internet signal.
Even if the camera, mic, and speakers on your device are working, you will not have a good visit unless you are connected to a reliable network.
We recommend using residential Wi-Fi for all your remote visits. If you would like help testing your speed prior to visiting, please send us a live chat.